Discover how to make more matches with your home DNA test


02 November 2018
How-to-transfer-your-DNA-from-one-website-to-another-chart-02803.png Follow the simple steps to transfer your DNA results from one website to another
Taking a home DNA test is exciting. And it's even better when you make connections with other people with whom you share DNA matches. Follow these steps to maximise your chances of finding a DNA match by transferring your raw DNA data from one site to another

Taking a home DNA test is exciting. And it's even better when you make connections with other people with whom you share DNA matches. Follow these steps to maximise your chances of finding a DNA match by doing an autosomal DNA transfer.

Which home DNA tests let you do an autosomal transfer?

Make the most of your DNA test results, and upload them to all the other available sites. It doesn’t cost anything to transfer your autosomal test results, and it will increase your chances of finding DNA matches (a.k.a. relations!).  

AncestryDNA: does not allow you to upload test results from other companies. But you can download your Ancestry results and import them to FamilyTreeDNA, Living DNA and MyHeritageDNA.

FamilyTreeDNA: accepts AncestryDNA, MyHeritageDNA and 23andMe.

Living DNA: accepts AncestryDNA, FamilyTreeDNA, MyHeritageDNA and 23andMe.

MyHeritageDNA: accepts AncestryDNA, FamilyTreeDNA, Living DNA and 23andMe.

23andMe: only accepts AncestryDNA from people who already had a 23andMe account on or by 25 April 2018. 23andMe does not accept DNA from any other companies.


How to do an autosomal DNA transfer?

To do an autosomal DNA transfer from one test website to another you need to download the raw data from the site you tested with and upload it to the new site. This might sound complicated, but it’s actually painless. Just follow the steps below to download your raw data.

Tip! Before uploading or downloading anything grab a pen and paper to make a note of useful login details. For instance, when you upload your DNA to another site, you will be given a new ‘kit number’ by the new site. Keeping a note of these numbers will help keep you sane – particularly if you are transferring raw data files, not just for yourself, but helping family members transfer their files too.

Downloading raw data

How do you download AncestryDNA raw data?

  1. Sign into your AncestryDNA account.
  2. Click on the DNA tab, and from the drop-down menu choose ‘DNA results summary’.
  3. Then click on Settings (top right-hand side of window).
  4. The click ‘Download raw DNA data’.

How do you download FamilyTreeDNA raw data?

  1. Sign into your FamilyTreeDNA account.
  2. Click on the myDNA tab, and from the drop-down menu use ‘Family Finder’, then ‘Download raw data’.

How do you download Living DNA raw data?

  1. Sign in to your Living DNA account.
  2. Click on the My Tests tab.
  3. Then click the View Test button.
  4. From the left-hand side of the screen, click on ‘Download Raw Data’.

How do you download MyHeritageDNA raw data?

  1. Click on the DNA tab, and from the drop-down menu choose ‘Manage DNA kits’.
  2. Look for the three little grey dots on the right-hand side of the window. Click on them and choose ‘Download kit’ from the menu.

Uploading raw data


How do you upload your raw data to AncestryDNA?

AncestryDNA do not allow the uploading of raw data from other sites to the AncestryDNA site.


How do you upload your raw data to FamilyTreeDNA?

Go to - click ‘Upload DNA data’, then click ‘Autosomal DNA’.

How do you upload your raw data to Living DNA?

This is done via Living DNA’s partnership with Findmypast, or via Living DNA’s One Family Project.

To upload your raw data to Living DNA via Findmypast, go to and scroll down to the ‘Upload your DNA data’ button.

To upload your raw data to Living DNA via their One Family Project, go to and click ‘Take part’, then click the ‘Upload file’ button.


How do you upload your raw data to MyHeritageDNA?

  1. Login to your MyHeritage account (or create one).
  2. Click on the DNA tab, then choose ‘Upload DNA data’ from the dropdown menu.

How do you upload your raw data to 23andMe?

  1. 23andMe only accepts uploads from AncestryDNA – and only then for people who already had a 23andMe account on or by 25 April 2018.


How can GEDmatch help me with my family history and DNA?


What is GEDmatch and why use it?

GEDmatch is a website that helps people make connections with their family history and their DNA.

You can upload multiple types of DNA kits (AncestryDNA, FamilyTreeDNA and MyHeritage – and WeGene and a universal DNA upload) and can also upload GEDCOM* files.


*What’s a GEDCOM file? It’s a file format that you can use to easily transfer your family history research from your family history software or online tree to a different programme or website.


How do you upload your raw data and GEDCOM files to GEDmatch?

Go to and create an account, and click on the ‘File Uploads’ link on the home page.

What’s a Chromosome Browser?

A Chromosome Browser is a fun visual DNA tool that lets you spot which segments of DNA you have in common with another person in a DNA website’s database. The browser also show on which of your 22 autosomal chromosomes the matching segments of DNA occur.

FamilyTreeDNA and MyHeritage have Chromosome Browsers. GEDmatch has a 3D Chromosome Browser that allows you to compare the DNA of multiple people (not just two) in one go. 23andMe has a Chromosome Painting tool.


How to make sense of DNA matches?

Your DNA matches will contain:

an estimate of how closely related you and a match are (eg 1st to 2nd cousins)

an estimate of how definitely you match with one another

the number of centimorgans you share with each other (the more you share, the more closely you are related)

When you click on a match you will probably not be able to tell how you are related to one another. However, if you already have information about your ancestors, this will help you identify how you’re related. If you already have a family tree it is well worth putting it online and linking it to your DNA results. If you don’t already have a family tree, now’s the perfect time to begin doing your family history.