What will the new Family Networks method from Living DNA offer family history researchers?


12 March 2018
1.0.0---Family-Networks---Tree-View-35218.png Family Networks Tree View
Living DNA's new Family Networks method was previewed at RootsTech 2018, but what exactly will this offer anyone who takes a DNA test with Living DNA?

Living DNA's new Family Networks method was previewed at RootsTech 2018, but what exactly will this offer anyone who takes a DNA test with Living DNA?

Family Networks is a new DNA-driven matching system and family tree reconstruction method which is based solely on the user's DNA, gender and age and requires no prior family history research by the user.

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According to Living DNA, Family Networks will provide 'the most precise matching service on the market' by analysing a user's unique motherline and fatherline DNA data (mtDNA and YDNA), on top of the family ancestry line (autosomal).

Users need provide only their year of birth and gender in order for Living DNA to build up a family tree which shows where the DNA results fit into the tree.

'Taking out the guesswork'

Living DNA's managing director David Nicholson said of the method: 'With Family Networks, we not only predict how users are related to direct matches, but we can also infer through DNA up to 13 generations back to connect matches with whom they share no DNA with today.

'The technology behind Family Networks runs through millions of ways in which users in the network are related and automatically works out which genetic trees are possible. This new capability offers distinct benefits to a range of users, from avid genealogists to family history hobbyists, to adoptees and others searching for their family members. It will reduce the risk of human error and support the task of figuring out how each person in a user’s list are related to one another. We’re truly taking the guesswork out of DNA relationships.'

When is Family Networks available?

Living DNA’s Family Networks is scheduled to be made available to all existing and new Living DNA users by autumn 2018. The company states that the cutting-edge technology will give all customers – even those who upload from other DNA testing sites – a level of relationship prediction and accuracy that is beyond anything currently on the market.

Living DNA website.

(images copyright Living DNA)