Family History Society Offers
Can you believe Family Tree magazine is nearly 40 years old? Yes - it's been published since 1984, and as such we know how vital family history societies are to the genealogy world, providing a community and resource for their dedicated members.
With this in mind, we have come up with a range of special offers, exclusive to family history society members, as detailed below…
Join Family Tree Plus
Our brand new online community is a place where family historians can develop their genealogy skills, receive support and learn online. Hundreds of family historians have joined Family Tree Plus, and you can too with our special offer!
Join Family Tree Plus for as little as £6.66 a month!
Family Tree Plus members enjoy benefits including:
✔ Family Tree Library (3 years of back issues!)
✔ Exclusive DNA Club
✔ Exclusive Genealogy Gadgets Club
✔ Exclusive Study Club
✔ Exclusive email packed with expert advice
✔ Inspirational blogs
✔ Resources to help your research
✔ Video library
✔ Special discounts
✔ Every new issue of Family Tree as a digital read, to enjoy on your computer, device or mobile phone
Discover Family Tree magazine
Family Tree magazine was first published in 1984. The world, genealogy, and what we do, is a little different now, but one thing hasn't changed: we're still passionate and excited about helping you discover and explore your family history.
We're giving you the chance to join Family Tree for just £3!
Subscribe to Family Tree (print edition of the magazine) and receive your first 3 issues for £3 (and then £10.99 per quarter)
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