Four top websites for tracing your Irish ancestors


10 February 2022
David Ryan shares his top four websites for exploring the lives and times of your Irish forebears.

1 National Archives of Ireland

Genealogy at the National Archives of Ireland website.

2 Beyond 2022

 Ireland’s Virtual Record Treasury. An all-island and international collaborative research project working to create a virtual reconstruction of the Public Record Office of Ireland which will be officially launched on the centenary of the original fire, 30th June 2022. Visit Beyond 2022.

3 John Grenham

A website set up by John Grenham, author of Tracing Your Irish Ancestors. It contains a surname search feature which shows the distribution of particular surnames and their variations in Ireland at certain periods. There are also maps of civil and ecclesiastical parishes, along with summaries of the record collections available for each county. Visit John Grenham.

4 Irish Genealogy

The official genealogy website set up by the Irish government. It contains images of the Irish civil registration certs and free access to some parish records.