How to find your UK ancestors: the best resources for UK ancestry


17 December 2020
Do you have ancestors from the United Kingdom? Get started on your British family history journey guide with our genealogy resources (, many of which are free of charge) to help you find out more about your UK ancestors.

UK ancestors? We're here to help!

Wherever in the world you live, it's possible that you'll find some UK ancestors somewhere within your ancestry. Although it's always exciting to find links to a different country, knowing what to do next can be daunting.

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5 fantastic sources to take your family tree back 150+ years

Read on for our guide to finding your UK ancestors and tracing your family tree.

How to do a family tree online

Find out how to do your family tree online, with our guide to the most popular genealogy websites for the UK and Ireland, including paid-for and free genealogy resources.

Free websites for UK ancestry

Our guide to the best free of charge websites for UK ancestors

Searching for UK ancestors from America

If you're searching for British ancestors and are US-based, our get-started guide is full of resources and ideas

Explore the UK census

Discover 5 ways the UK can census can help you dive into your British ancestry

English place name origins

Discover the origins of the places where your English ancestors lived with our place name origins guide.