#StoryOfOurStreet - what is street history?


03 June 2020
Thinking of joining our local history challenge, #StoryOfOurStreet, but not sure what street history is? Read on to find out…

Very simply, street history is a study of a particular street. You might decide to focus on the street where you live, a street that’s always interested you or perhaps the street where your ancestors lived.

In exploring that street’s past you can use a wide variety of resources to find out what it was like there in years gone by. Possibilities include:

  • Maps and plans
  • Old photographs
  • Interviews with people who live on the street
  • Written histories produced by local history or heritage societies
  • An exploration of the physical environment looking for clues, eg architecture and street furniture
  • The use of historic documents such as the census and trade directories to find out about past residents

Make it your own!

The beauty of #StoryOfOurStreet is that you can make it your own! Visit our hub page for everything you need to get started and sign up to get your free PDF checklist.

You can focus on whatever interests you most. Perhaps you’d like to know what was on your street before it was a street? Or maybe discover whether your street and its residents have ever made the news? 

Share your stories

We’d love to know how you’re getting on and we’ll be sharing your stories in each issue of the magazine and online. We’ll also be setting regular challenges and sharing histories via our social media and newsletter.

Have fun and let us know what you discover.