Join us for the April Family Tree DNA Club webinar, at which Karen Evans will be tutoring us in the importance of testing siblings when it comes to using DNA for family history.
Sibling rivalry?! There’s no such thing in DNA testing!
I consider myself very lucky when it comes to family DNA testing. Although all my grandparents were deceased before direct-to-consumer testing became a thing, both my parents were happy to join in with my DNA discoveries and so were all their siblings.
And this creates an interesting question: Do we really need to test a sibling?
I’m going to show you why the answer is a big fat yes!
• I'm going to explain the science behind the tests which will show why testing siblings is so invaluable.
• I’m going to cover a deep dive case study, comparing the results of my mother and her two full siblings.
• This will show the similarities and differences between the tests and how that can help us in our genetic genealogy adventure.
When & where?
This webinar will take place on Zoom on Wednesday 16th April, 12.30-13.30pm UK time with Karen Evans.
This presentation is part of the DNA Club programme brought to you by Family Tree Plus.
Get your ticket for £10, or join Family Tree Plus for just £5, come along to this webinar and attend four webinars every month! Already a Family Tree Plus member? Log in now to get your link.
Got a query? Email us a [email protected]
About the speaker
Karen Evans is a long-time family historian and in recent years she has enlisted DNA to help her work on, and solve, some of her family mysteries. Karen Evans is DNA advisor to Family Tree magazine, in which she writes a monthly DNA advice column featuring step-by-step advice and reader case studies. Karen is also the DNA Club news anchor and host at the monthly DNA Club meetings provided to members of Family Tree Plus (