Smash your DNA brickwalls: trouble-shooting tactics with Michelle Leonard, 1 & 15 May


‘This person is such a mystery – a total brickwall’. ‘How do I find them?’ ‘What do I need to do to find them?' If you’ve hit a roadblock in your DNA family history research, don’t worry - we can help!

Smash you DNA brickwalls - BOOK NOW!

In this two-part DNA Masterclass, Michelle Leonard will be looking at those specific points at which research road block arise – and working through a range of trouble-shooting solutions to help you smash through that brickwall – and solve your DNA mysteries.

Michelle will advise on ways to:
•    Help you focus your research question – and plan how to use DNA to answer it
•    Work on DNA matches where there is little to go on – and show you how to make discoveries nonetheless
•    Identify what you do know – to help you shine a light on the trouble-spots that are obstructing you
•    Join us for Michelle’s DNA Brickwalls masterclass and make the progress you’ve long wished to on your DNA investigations.

How to watch the webinar:

The webinar will take place on Zoom on Thursdays 1 May and 15 May, 7-9pm UK time with Michelle Leonard.

This webinar presentation is part of the programme brought to you by Family Tree Plus.
The online learning sessions will each last 2 hours including time for questions.

How to join the DNA Masterclass

Get your ticket for £45, or £40 for Family Tree Plus members or subscribers to Family Tree.

If you have any queries about the presentation or about Family Tree Plus, please email [email protected]

About the speaker:

Michelle Leonard of Genes & Genealogy is a Scottish professional genealogist and DNA detective. She specialises in solving adoption and all manner of unknown ancestor mysteries using DNA but also undertakes traditional genealogical research, living-relative tracing, historical and television research, tutoring, webinars and speaking engagements. She is also known for her work identifying WWI soldiers especially with The Fromelles Genealogy Project. She is a regular speaker at major international genealogy events and is also one of the co-authors of Tracing Your Ancestors Using DNA: A Guide For Family Historians, and author of The DNA Bootcamp Workbook, which accompanies Michelle’s 8-week online DNA Bootcamp course.