Presentation: VE Day 80th Anniversary: How to write personal stories, with Julie Johnson, Monday 14th April


Join us for the April Family Tree Study Club meeting, at which Julie Johnson will be speaking on ‘VE Day 80th Anniversary: How to write personal stories‘

Julie Johnson loves nothing more than researching and telling the stories of those who have come before us.
Join us for an engaging webinar as we commemorate the 80th anniversary of VE Day.

Discover personal stories of celebration and relief as we delve into the experiences of those who lived through the end of World War II.

Learn how newspapers played a crucial role in capturing these historical moments and preserving the memories of a generation.

This webinar will feature genealogical insights, untold stories, and interactive elements to bring history to life. Do not miss this opportunity to connect with the past and honour the legacy of VE Day.

Ideas and strategies for telling your own genealogical family stories will also be woven into the session.

When & where?
This webinar will take place on Zoom on Monday 14th April, 18.30-19.30pm UK time with Julie Johnson.
This presentation is part of the Study Club programme brought to you by Family Tree Plus.

Get your ticket for £10, or join Family Tree Plus for just £5, come along to this webinar and attend four webinars every month! Already a Family Tree Plus member? Log in now to get your link.

Got a query? Email us a [email protected]

About the speaker
Julie Kathleen Johnson is a professional genealogist, historical researcher, and writer. She is passionate about uncovering and sharing the stories of those often unheard, bringing these narratives back to life. Julie’s work transports people, allowing them to step into the lives of their ancestors and experience their journeys.