How has the UK changed since 1957? Check your knowledge with these interactive graphs


21 December 2017
Discover how the UK has changed with these interactive charts from Office for National Statistics which cover house prices, life expectancy, marriage and divorce.

Discover how the UK has changed with these interactive charts from Office for National Statistics which cover house prices, life expectancy, marriage and divorce.

In October 1957 BBC Radio 4’s Today programme went on the air for the first time. A lot has changed in the last 60 years: we are living much longer; attitudes to sex and marriage have become more relaxed; house prices have risen and the demographics of the country have changed. But do you know by how much? Office for National Statistics has teamed up with BBC News to use statistics to tell the story of the last 60 years.

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Test your knowledge by drawing in the missing information on the charts below. The charts give you the latest figure – all you have to do is tap and drag the orange dot on each graph and draw the rest of the chart back to 1957, then use the “Show me the answer” button to see how you did.