Scotland 1921 Census release date announced


29 November 2022
Explore the 1921 Census at ScotlandsPeople
ScotlandsPeople has announced that the 1921 Census will be available online from 9am on 30 November.

The news was announced on the ScotlandsPeople Twitter account:

The 1921 Census is coming tomorrow! From 9am on Wednesday, search our 4.8 million individual records to find your parents, grandparents or even earlier generations

A blog on the Scottish Genes website gave further details, adding that 150,000 searchable scanned images of the original handwritten census books detailing each address would be available at ScotlandsPeople.

What information does the Scotland 1921 Census contain?

The eagerly-anticipated release means that family historians can see a snapshot of the lives of their ancestors in 1921, with more information than had been asked in the 1911 Census, including:

  • Place of work
  • Whether children had been orphaned
  • Who was eligible for benefit under the 1911 National Insurance Act.  

However, the number of children born and the length of marriage, questions asked in the 1911 Census, were not asked in this census.

Explore Scotland's 1921 Census

Explore the 1921 Census at ScotlandsPeople. As with other census records, the price is £1.50 per page (6 credits).

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Image: A group of female workers at a shipbuilding yard on the River Clyde in Scotland during the First World War. Photo by Ernest Brooks.