05 October 2023
A quick interview with Lisa Edwards by Helen Tovey. Ahead of sharing her presentation about her research into the mental health experiences and lives of poverty of her ancestors, Lisa Edwards discusses some issues around the topic.
View the full recording
Lisa Edwards has recorded a full presentation on the topic for the Family Tree Study Club, which is now available to Family Tree Plus members and to subscribers of Family Tree. If you wish to view the full presentation, please log in with your Family Tree account. If you have not yet taken a free trial to Family Tree Plus, you are very welcome to do so at www.family-tree.co.uk/membership
About Lisa's research
Lisa's presentation looks at the impact of extreme poverty, alcoholism, the asylum system and the eugenics movement upon the lives of her ancestors in Victorian Liverpool and reflects on the impact that their lived experiences and mental health have had on subsequent generations. Her presentation is a very powerful piece of research, which, while very valuably adding to our understanding of our ancestors' experiences, may be disturbing or upsetting.