In Search of our Ancient Ancestors by Anthony Adolph


16 February 2016
JAN-In-Search-of-our-Ancient-Ancestors-front-cover-86935.jpg Ancient Ancestors
Marvel at our shared family trees going back millions of years and the beginnings of human history and beliefs in Anthony Adolph’s all-encompassing book.

Marvel at our shared family trees going back millions of years and the beginnings of human history and beliefs in Anthony Adolph’s all-encompassing book, 11 years in the making. Sub-titled ‘From the Big Bang to Modern Britain, in Science and Myth’, this does exactly what it says on the tin – opening our eyes to our individual places ‘within the greater family tree of humanity’. Anthony has taken an unusual cross-field approach to genealogy, examining what science tells us of early life on our beautiful blue planet alongside origin myths from around the world. This joint genetic and theological approach is an attempt to reveal what our origins are alongside how humans developed the consciousness and intelligence to question who we are and what – and where – we came from. Exploring what our ancient and not-so ancient ancestors believed and thought about themselves makes for interesting reading, as we see how and why origin myths developed – and how, in fact, they are all part of the same story.

But this is a practical read as well as a thought-provoking one. If you’re trying to get to grips with genetic genealogy or to understand the results of a DNA test, for example, you’ll find this explained in layman’s terms. In addition, the book’s epilogue comes with ideas for organising and writing your own narrative pedigree so you can see how you fit into the great family tree of humanity. The story, of course, is still being written but it’s uplifting, especially at a time of turbulence and uncertainty in the modern world, to look beyond our individual trees and remind ourselves how we are all connected.

ISBN: 9781473849211. RRP £19.99 hardback. Pen & Sword Family History.