Tracing Your Nonconformist Ancestors: family tree book review


10 May 2017
non-57388.jpg Tracing Your Nonconformist Ancestors - family tree book reviews
Nonconformist ancestors will at some point appear in most of our family trees. Stuart A Raymond's new family tree book aims to help you find them.

Nonconformist ancestors will at some point appear in most of our family trees. Stuart A Raymond's new family tree book aims to help you find them.


In the mid-19th century nearly half of the English population were Nonconformists and most places in England and Wales where our forebears lived had at least one Nonconformist chapel.


Nonconformity, however, is very diverse and it’s not always a simple task to track down basic records of baptism, marriage and burial. Here renowned family historian Stuart A Raymond steps into the breech, setting out the historical background to Nonconformity and providing a very useful overview of the many sources that can enable us to trace our Nonconformist forebears.


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The religious practises of our Nonconformist ancestors can reveal a good deal about their families and their lives, and Stuart suggests many websites, libraries and archives that local and family historians should consider consulting in their researches, along with the various pros and cons.


All the major denominations such as Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Quakers and Methodists are covered, along with many minor or lesser-known ones, evangelists and obscure sects, for example the Muggletonians and Glasites. Many family historians hit a brickwall when it comes to Nonconformist ancestors so this is a welcome read for anyone struggling to take that next step in their research.


• ISBN: 9781473883451. RRP £14.99, paperback. Pen & Sword Family History.