April 2023

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Issue Summary

Are your family history notes getting a little overwhelming? Don’t panic! In the latest issue Phil Isherwood explains his one-stop system for organising all – yes all – of your family history files. Notes, documents, tables, timelines, web clipping, transcriptions & more can all be incorporated into this helpful system as Phil will demonstrate.

On Sale: 10/03/2023

What's in this issue?

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What's in this Issue?

Also in the April issue you will find:

• 7 steps to help your family tree stay on track – simple ways to keep your research accurate

• Discover how our ancestors shopped for clothes in the pre & early industrial ages with Jayne Shrimpton

• Take a trip down memory lane and learn about old coins and measurements

• Enjoy Dear Paul’s Genealogical Miscellany – including a census-hopping centenarian

• Gen up on birth records with Family Tree Academy tutor David Annal’s history & guide

• Follow genealogy diarist Gill Shaw’s latest findings – she’s in hot pursuit of her flying Dutchman

• Our experts step up to help readers date old photos, solve DNA puzzles & more.

• And Diane Lindsay shares her thoughts on genealogy.


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