Thoughts on the storming of the Capitol while transcribing
Reader Dave Woolven got in touch, as it was while transcribing some of the Elizabethan proceedings of the Court of Star Chamber that he reflected that ‘nothing is new’. Below is his transcription:
Court of Star Chamber Proceedings Eliz (Sta Cha 5) Bdle H78 No 35 m… 2
To the Queenes moste excellent Matie
Shewethe unto yor moste excellente Matie yor humble & duetifull subiecte & supplyannte Sr Willm Herberte of St Julians Knighte moved herunto greevous complainte made unto him (beinge one of yor Mats Justices of the Peace and Quogn wthin yor Hieghnes Countie of Monmouthe by d…st of his neighbors and inhabitannts wthin the towne and Borroughe of Newporte in yor saide Countie, who expecte longe look and hope for some r…. of theire grieffe and …by this his meanes. That wheras aboute Mach in the xxiii yere of yor Highnes reigne one Myles Herberte Esqr, then Maior of yor Highnes saide towne of Newporte wth diverse Aldermen Burgesses & other offices of the same towne beinge at that tyme in good peace & yor Mats agreedinge to theire lawfull usuall and annciente mannr assembled together in the towne courte house of the said towne of Newporte for the election & chosing of the Maior there for the yere followinge. One Rowlande Morgan gent, Andrewe Morgan gent, Willm Morgan gent, Thomas Morgan the younger gent, Rice Lewes gent, Thomas David Jenkine, Edmonde John David, Rowland Morgan of Llanvedy gent, Willm Morgan als Bengogh?, Willm Bevanne and Rice Willm Corser wth diverse & sondrie suche others (as yett …. no name to yor saide subiecte) in moste forceable, riotous warlike and unlawfull mannr arrayed and assembled togither (wth swords buck… bills, daggers, forreste bills pikes gloves and staves and other warlike weapons as well offensive as defensive and wthout ……. either of good order and governenieute or feare of Mats lawes most forceablie and riotuslie entre into the saide towne courte house (the saide Maior Aldermen Burgesses and other officers then and there syttinge in place of … and kepinge the courte of election aforesaide) and then did moste greevouslie and cruellie strike wounde hurte and eveall intreate, and the courte table then and there standinge, wherupon the records were placed did overtorne and throwe downe and in suche outragious & lewde mannr … and carie them selves that the Recorder of the same towne was driven (soe savegarde of his lief and sorucon of the records aforesaide) to come awaie wth the rolls of the courte and other of the Magistrates threate dannger of theire lives) flede awaie to the greate perill of …. by the eveill & … example therof yf all good … government and due admynistacon of instice by inferion Magistrats & officers and to the comon and … … of the quiettte and good estate of the saide towne and ………….. yf it be not the more speedilie and severlie … by order of this honorable courte wch dis..edre being manifested and complayned of to yor saide subiecte and … no other courte fytter … and due correction herof then this moste honorable courte and beinge fullie …wth all that no tyme … or breede amendemte or reformacon in the saide malefactors they are growne into suche contempte of yor Hieghnes lawes and so hurte … to … outragious bolde attemptes. Maye it therfore please yor Hieghnes in tender consideracon herof and …, the tolls ……………. …sdeme … maye tende to the eveill encouragemte of other wche eveill disposed psons to attempte … to the manyfeste subvercon of the good and quiet state of yor subiectes to the dainngerous breache of yor Mats peace and … of yor Mats courtes and placs for admynistracon and due execucon of good order instice and ..emente) to grannte yor … suppliannte yor Hieghnes moste gracious severall wrytts of subpena to be directed to the saide malefactors … of them att a certaine daie and undr a certaine payne therin to be lymited psonallie to appeare … courte of Starre Chamber then and there to stande to receave and abide suche order rule and … as to … … to appteyne. And yor Hieghnes saide humble suppliannte shall daylie praye to God for the … of yor Matie longe to … over us.
NOTE: There is some mould damage and some text has been lost in the creases on the original. DW
NOTE: The 23rd (xxiii) year of Elizabeth was 17 Nov 1580 to 16 Nov 1581. The above date was the date of the incident not the date of the petition. DW