1.3 million Surrey parish records added to FindMyPast


20 July 2020
FindMyPast has announced the release of more than 1 million Surrey baptism, marriage and burial records.

Surrey baptisms

126 parishes are included in this roll out of records, with 558,000 baptism records added to FindMyPast. Discover your ancestor's birth and baptism dates, their parents names and occupations, where your ancestor was baptised and their religious denomination.

Check out the records here and see the list of parishes here.

Surrey marriages 

Explore over 430,000 marriage records from 182 parishes in this latest release. Find out details including names of your ancestors' fathers, the occupation of the bride and groom, where they lived and their marriage date.

Explore here.

Surrey burials

This release comprises 330,000 burials for 121 parishes, with the records here. Details include name, where buried and former occupation.

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