13,000 records from 1801 Liverpool census available on FindMyPast


04 November 2019
If you have Liverpool ancestors you can search for them in an 1801 census for the city released by FindMyPast.

The 1801 census was the first official census to be carried out in Britain. It estimated the population of England and Wales to be 8.9 million, and that of Scotland to be 1.6 million.

It comprised two parts:

  •  the number of people, their occupations, and numbers of families and houses.
  • a collection of the numbers of baptisms, marriages and burials, thus providing an indication of the rate at which the population was increasing or decreasing

The record set comprises of over 13,800 records from 82 Wards in Liverpool, Lancashire. These records date from 1801.

The social context

At the start of the 19th century, Liverpool was a social and economic change, the effects of a war in Europe were felt in all aspects of life more than in other towns or cities and to add particular significance the opening year of the century death and disease reached levels in 1800 and 1801 rarely experienced in the city’s history.

Liverpool being a maritime city was subject to a constant influx and reflux of people, the structure and social conditions of its population changed.

What will I find on these records?

The 1801 census records did not record the same amount of information that we are familiar with today. On the images you will find the following, the column headings left to right read:

  • Cellar

  • Back house

  • Front house

  • Families

  • Vacant

  • Males

  • Females

  • Total

  • Agr.

  • Trade

  • Other

  • Total

  • Free text on type of work

Explore the records at FindMyPast.

QUICK LINK: Find your Liverpool ancestors for free

(image copyright Tuck DB Postcards)