Explore over 130,000 Ireland records - new to the FamilySearch website


13 May 2020
Do you have Irish ancestors? Find out more about their lives and times with new releases from FamilySearch.

FamilySearch has this week added 2.7 million new historical records to its global database.

The releases include tens of thousands of records of interest to those with Irish ancestors, particularly from Dublin.

Dublin, Post Office Annual Directory & Calendar, 1858

The Post Office Dublin Directory and Calendar For 1858 lists government, military, religious, educational, medical, legal, nobility, gentry, merchants, traders, and police establishments. A listing of gentry and peerage of Ireland is also included.

An alphabetical list of streets and lanes includes names of residents and businesses at each address, allowing you to pinpoint your ancestor's location in the city. The Post Office section lists towns, postage rates, and details of mail and stage coaches from Dublin. Provided in conjunction with FindMyPast.

Explore here.

Ireland, Pettigrew and Oulton, The Dublin Almanac and General Register of Ireland, 1835

This volume contains an almanac of local, county, and government officials across the country.

Find out what life was like in the city at this period, with details about fairs and markets, the church, banks, the postal service, schools and colleges, the railway, the military and government throughout the British Empire, and more.

The volume ends with a detailed Dublin City Directory which includes an alphabetical directory of householders, a street directory, and a trades and professional directory. This collection was provided in coordination with FindMyPast.

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Ireland, Dublin, The Post Office Annual Directory and Calendar, 1843

The Post Office Annual Directory and Calendar for Dublin has listings of military, religious, educational, medical, legal, nobility, gentry, traders, and police establishments for the city and surrounding vicinity.

The senior staff at Trinity and the College of Maynooth and an alphabetical list of the streets of Dublin is also contained in the directory. The Post Office section lists towns, postage rates, and details of the mail and stage coaches from Dublin. This collection was provided in coordination with FindMyPast.

Explore here.

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