FindMyPast offers 50% off all 1921 Census purchases with flash sale


30 June 2022
This limited time offer, which runs until midday on 1 July 2022, gives researchers the chance to discover their ancestors’ lives 100 years ago in more detail than ever before.

Family history website FindMyPast is offering a 50% off record purchases of the 1921 Census of England and Wales.

The Census could reveal where they were living, what they were doing and who they were doing it with in the summer of 1921. 

Using the 1921 Census

The 1921 Census records are invaluable when filling in gaps in the family tree, but they have also offered poignant insights for members into the detail of their ancestors’ lives. 

After being locked away for a hundred years, the 1921 Census was released exclusively online at Findmypast on 6 January 2022, in partnership with The National Archives and the Office for National Statistics. Three years of intensive digitisation and conservation work was undertaken in the largest digitisation project ever completed by The National Archives and Findmypast to bring these precious records of the past online for the very first time.

Mary McKee, Head of Content Publishing at Findmypast, said: “The 1921 Census gives us a glimpse into life 100 years ago. We can understand what the world was like for our ancestors during this period, and in greater detail than ever before. Since its release in January, thousands of community members delved into the records to uncover family mysteries and unique details about their ancestors. We’re pleased that even more family historians will have the chance to discover their unique family stories using the 1921 Census at half the price.” 

To take advantage of the 50% off the 1921 Census offer at FindMyPast, click here.

*50% off 1921 Census purchases is valid for 24 hours, from 12pm midday BST on Thursday 30 June until 12pm midday BST on Friday 1 July. 

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