A new way to share your tree at FindMyPast


13 April 2023
FindMyPast has launched a new tree sharing feature, allowing subscribers to share their research with family and friends.

Anyone with a tree on FindMyPast can invite friends and family to view their progress and see what they’ve uncovered. Those invited to view a tree won't need a subscription; they will just need to create a free account on FindMyPast to access the shared tree. The person sharing their family tree can invite as many people as they like, and can also remove their access at any time.  

Plus, owners can share their tree risk-free, as only the person who owns the tree can make any changes.  

There are two ways to share your family tree with friends and family when logged in to your FindMyPast account.  

  1. If you want to share with selected individuals, simply generate a unique link for each person as needed and share this to grant them access.  
  2. Alternatively, you can generate a temporary link which expires after seven days to share with as many people as you like. 

Those with a link will be able to see all deceased people in your family tree and view facts about those deceased people. They will not be able to see any information about living people, photos, or media, regardless of whether you’ve marked them as private or public in your tree settings. They will not be able to make any edits to your tree.  

You can edit access permissions for any link that you’ve shared, adding or removing the ability to see people marked as living in your tree, and revoke access entirely via the tree settings page, under sharing settings. 

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