Index to Death Duty Registers 1796-1903


06 October 2023
FindMyPast has updated more than 1 million records in this collection, which spans the years 1796 to 1903.

Updates have been made to over 1 million records in this collection, with refined dates and an improved search experience. Plus, there are over 63,000 new records available to explore. 

How can these records help me?

The Archive of Indexes to Death Duty Registers contains over 3.3 million transcripts and digitised images of the original indexes created by the Estate Duty Office (later to become the Inland Revenue) of all wills and administrations attracting Death Duties from all the Probate Courts in England and Wales.


The amount of information listed varies, but the Index to Death Duty Registers 1796-1903 records usually include a combination of the following information about your ancestor:

  • Name of testator
  • Address of testator
  • Date of death
  • Name of administrator
  • Address of administrator

These registers were created by the office responsible for collecting taxes on personal estates. Details of what the estate was actually worth after debts and expenses and what the beneficiaries received can be recorded. In addition to the last address and occupation of the deceased, they can give the date of the will, the names, addresses and occupations of the executors, and details of estates, legacies, and trustees. They may also give the date of death and information about beneficiaries and family relationships. 

In addition, this online index forms a national index to all wills and administrations, which attracted death duties between the dates of 1796 to 1903. If you are looking for an English or Welsh will or administration between these dates, the index can be used as a short cut to finding in which of the many probate courts the will was proven or letters of administration granted. With this information you may be able to obtain a copy of the will or administration. 

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