Free UK Genealogy website announces civil registration data is free to share on social media


20 December 2019
Free UK Genealogy has announced that the GRO has permitted users of FreeBMD to take screenshots of entries and share them online.

Until now, users of the site were free to share screenshots from FreeCEN (19th-century censuses) and FreeREG (registers of baptism, marriage and burial from the Church of England and other bodies).

Now it has been announced that Free UK Genealogy is also free to share.

Pat Reynolds, Executive Director of Free UK Genealogy said: 'Personally, I love being able to share family history discoveries with my family on social media - I’m delighted I can now do this for the civil registration data we hold on FreeBMD'.
Free UK Genealogy is a registered charity,  where thousands of volunteers - transcribers, developers and others -  make historic documents freely accessible to all on its websites FreeBMD, FreeCEN, and FreeReg.