TheGenealogist cuts the cost of pinpointing your ancestors


17 August 2022
A tool at TheGenealogist which allows you to discover exactly where your ancestors lived, using Map Explorer, has now been added to Gold and Starter level subscriptions.

Fron now on, a ‘significant number’ of databases including the 1891, 1901 and 1911 censuses, plus TheGenealogist’s Image Archive pictures and along with the Domesday Book 1086, are now available with pins on georeferenced maps in Map Explorer™. 

This interface will place a pin on your ancestor’s house using historical data to identify its location where possible or if not, the street or parish on an appropriate map of the area connected to the record. As this resource makes use of a number of historical and modern maps matching the same precise coordinates, Starter and Gold subscribers are in a much better position to see where their ancestors had once lived even if the area has now changed.

See how an ancestor's surroundings have changed over the decades

To find out what’s included in the discounted Starter and Gold subscriptions go to The Genealogist.