Family Tree Live lectures

Alexandra Palace, London 17th - 18th APRIL 2020
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The lecture programme is detailed below or you can download a PDF document of the lecture programme.
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Friday 17 April |
Lecture Theatre 1 | Lecture Theatre 2 | ![]() Lecture Theatre |
10.30am |
DNA success stories and how they were solved with Donna Rutherford: Real case studies of DNA puzzles – and details of how they were solved. |
Hidden in plain sight - free sources we often overlook with Amelia Bennett: A journey through where to find useful genealogical records that are often not known about, or forgotten, in preference for the more commonly used websites. |
From Waterloo to the Somme - Searching for your 19th/20th century Army ancestors with Les Mitchinson: The development of Army records from a period prior to the introduction of continuous service through to the point where records are held by the MoD. |
A novel approach from Shetland for family history societies to engage with their public with Dr Alan Beattie: Shetland FHS has a unique style of presenting family history to the general public. It is highly popular and attracts many non-members to engage. |
11.30am |
Y-DNA testing with James Irvine: exploring how Y-DNA testing can help to research your surname. |
Online resources for professions & occupations with Peter Christian: An introduction to the main types of internet resource available for our ancestors’ working lives. |
My ancestor was a liar with David Annal: Piecing together the family puzzles, when the facts aren't quite what they seem. |
Administration, appeals and allegiance - the inner workings of the Quarter Session with Claire Moores: Covering an introduction to the legal structure, the administrative and judicial functions, and particular records for family history research. |
12.30pm |
Your DNA ethnicity & heritage with Michelle Patient: Ethnicity results can be surprising, but what do they really mean and how can they be useful in understanding your ancestral heritage? |
Family history on a budget with Alison Spring: Money-saving tips and inspiration from a very frugal family historian. |
Tracing Welsh ancestors through death records with Beryl Evans: Our ancestors often left more than a death certificate when they died. An insight into death customs, traditions and other records in Wales. |
Ideas for researching Non-Conformist Ancestors with Jackie Depelle: A review of sources providing information on people perhaps not in Church of England records. Includes hints & tips for picking up signpost clues. |
1.30pm |
Combining DNA and paper trail results in your family history research with Karen Evans: Practical ways to making your paper results ‘DNA ready’ and recording cousin matches. |
Oh dear! It seems Great-Grandma was born in Stafford Gaol! with Diane Lindsay: Sources for research into Victorian female criminals, centred on the life and times of my 2x great-grandmother Jane Copestake, recidivist, of Stafford Goal. |
Genealogy and the Little Ice Age with Wayne Shepheard: Information and perspective offered concerning studies of the families living during the prolonged harsh living conditions of the Little Ice Age (1300-1850 AD). |
Church courts - sin, sex and probate with Dr Colin Chapman: Church courts judged and recorded inappropriate behaviour of parishioners and clergy, issued marriage licences and proved wills. Procedures and witnesses’ statements are revealing. |
2.30pm |
Demystifying the numbers related to DNA testing with Donna Rutherford: It’s all about the numbers in this talk! |
Family records for Second World War service with Keith Gregson: Looking at the kind of records which might have been kept by both males and females who served in the war. |
5 killer apps for mobile genealogy with Graham Walter: Utilise you smart device for family history research. |
Researching your Jewish ancestry on the internet with Michael Tobias: How to trace your Jewish branches worldwide with particular emphasis on Central and Eastern Europe. Online sources and techniques will be discussed as well as some of the difficulties encountered. |
3.30pm |
How to successfully combine DNA & traditional research with Michelle Leonard: This talk will demonstrate why it's essential to combine DNA testing know-how with traditional research methods to be successful with DNA research. |
Anatomy of a successful blog with Paul Carter: Explore the seven key steps to setting up and publishing a blog to support your family history, accessible to all. |
Researching British India family history for free using online sources with Valmay Young & Beverly Hallam: A walk through the key resources freely available online for researching your family history in British India. |
Using Sheriff Court records for family history research with Fergus Smith: Scottish Sheriff Court records are a vast yet neglected source for family history. This talk describes the records of the Sheriff Courts in Scotland, what they contain, and how they can be used by family historians. |
4.30pm |
FamilyTreeDNA targeted testing with Janine Cloud: Choosing the right DNA test and the right tester. |
DNA made simple - with Peter Calver of LostCousins. How to knock down 'brick walls' in your |
Integrating DNA and family history research at MyHeritage with Daniel Horowitz – combining DNA with your online tree. |
Saturday 18 April |
Lecture Theatre 1 | Lecture Theatre 2 | ![]() Lecture Theatre |
10.30am |
Using autosomal DNA for genealogy with Donna Rutherford: Making the most of your autosomal DNA match. |
Off the beaten track - planning your Irish research trip with David Ryan: How to get around and which repositories to visit when planning an Irish research trip. |
Tracing Windrush roots with Adrian Stone: How oral history was used to trace a 6,000-people family tree around the globe! |
The solution to research challenges with Ian Waller: Every family historian encounters research challenges. I examine ways of breaking down barriers and overcoming challenges posed by the documents we use to research our ancestry. |
11.30am |
DNA testing & Mayflower lineages with Janine Cloud: Explore who the Pilgrims were, and learn about the use of DNA testing in confirming Pilgrim lineages, especially connections to England. |
Your ancestors travels by sea with Dr Simon Wills: This year marks the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower sailing. But what was the experience like for our ancestors who travelled by sea? |
Using the MyHeritage search engine for British Isles research with Daniel Horowitz: From essential records to in-depth research. |
The Great Frost & Famine with Wayne Shepheard: The impact of the 1739-41 cold weather event on people and communities across Europe; a model for other similar events of the Little Ice Age. |
12.30pm |
The genetic genealogy revolution with Debbie Kennett: How DNA testing is transforming family history research. |
Finding and using local and parish records online, at the Society of Genealogists and elsewhere with Else Churchill: Records for the places where your ancestors lived are the bedrock of family history. You have to understand them. You can’t research without them. |
From Trafalgar to Jutland - Searching for your 19th/20th century Naval ancestors with Les Mitchinson: The development of naval records from a period prior to the introduction of continuous service through to the point where records are held by the MoD. |
What stories would your ancestors tell? with Robert Parker: An engaging talk for beginners on how to start discovering your ancestors using proven research techniques. |
1.30pm |
The truth in our DNA with Laura House: What genetic genealogy tells us about our ancestors’ hidden lives. |
Identifying your ancestors' Second World War military photos with Graham Bandy: a fascinating look at the clues to spot to help you trace your World War 2 service personnel. |
Family photo restoration & colourisation – a demonstration with Claudia D’Souza, the ‘Photo Alchemist’. Learn how she works with damaged family photos to create heirlooms to treasure. |
The psychology of searching with Dr Penny Walters: A look at psychological explanations of kinship, tribalism, duty, responsibilities, nostalgia, homelands, voids, and the need to devise a narrative. Why do we search? |
2.30pm |
What's all the fuss about? with Michelle Patient: DNA testing is new to many family historians, this presentation discusses its usefulness as a source of genealogy evidence. |
Sources for World War 2 Army ancestors with Simon Fowler: A look at the essential papertrail resources to help you trace your family heroes. |
DNA made simple - with Peter Calver of LostCousins. How to knock down 'brick walls' in your |
Living the Poor Life - researching ancestors as inmates, governors or staff in the workhouse with Dr Gill Draper: Learn how to use workhouse records to research lives under the New Poor Law’s dreaded Union Workhouses, glancing back at researching earlier periods. |
3.30pm |
Understanding third party tools with Michelle Leonard: Gain an overview of all of the major third party tools available to use with DNA results and why they are worth using. |
Searching for ancestors when you're adopted - have you ever found your 'real' family with Penny Walters: This session will explain how adoptees can obtain their adoption paperwork, how to identify relatives through DNA testing, and look at ethical dilemmas. |
My ancestors weren’t American, but US research and records may still help you! with Deborah Hart-Stock: American resources often involve analysis of and clues to British records and genealogical information. This talk suggests materials to research, and what they might reveal. |
Passage to India with Richard Morgan: Getting to India in the Raj was a major exercise and controlled by the East India Co. As a result fascinating records remain. |
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All lectures and workshops are included with admission, but booking is required.
Lecture programme may be subject to change.